


The Seductress

2023-09-06 更新    2023-09-06 创建

导演: J. Edie Martin

主演: 谢娜·奥勃良 / 加布里埃·霍尔 / Jarod Carey

类型: 剧情

地区: 美国

语言: 英语

上映时间: 2000-08-12(美国)

又名: Summer Temptations Ⅱ

豆瓣得分: 暂无豆瓣评分

IMDb: tt0240946

  2000美国剧情情色片《勾引》由J. Edie Martin导演,谢娜·奥勃良主演,影片讲述的是:
Shauna OBrien plays the title character in The Seductress Alexis Baxter OBrien is a literal femme fatal marrying wealthy men and then killing them in order to assume their fortune Kay Sanders Gabriella Hall has a rather large interest in the case Kays boyfriend Paul Jonathan Smith receives some inflammatory photographs and warns his neighbor ...[显示全部]Roman Gary Angelino that Roman may be in trouble Roman takes action and discovers that Alexis and Kay are actually sisters who are hiding a deep dark secret