


Desert Riders

2020-11-17 更新    2020-11-17 创建

导演: Vic Sarin

类型: 剧情 / 纪录片 / 历史

地区: 加拿大 / 阿拉伯联合酋长国 / 英国 / 巴基斯坦 / 孟加拉国

语言: 英语

片长: 78分钟

上映时间: 2012-03-10(希腊)

豆瓣得分: 暂无豆瓣评分

IMDb: tt1964650

  2011加拿大剧情纪录片《沙漠骑行者》由Vic Sarin导演,影片讲述的是:
Camel racing is a popular sport in the Middle East In past years thousands of young boys have been trafficked from Bangladesh Pakistan Mauritania and other countries to work as jockeys in the UAE under excruciating conditions Over the last 10 years some governments have tried to put an end to the use of child jockeys Desert Riders will examine the situ...[显示全部]ation before and since these government policies were enacted as well as the difficult journey to retrieve and recuperate these children
