


Tiger Boy

2020-10-20 更新    2020-10-20 创建

导演: 加布里尔·梅内提

主演: Francesco Foti / Simone Santini / 莉迪亚·维塔莱

类型: 剧情 / 短片

地区: 意大利

语言: 意大利语

上映时间: 2012-06-16

豆瓣得分: 暂无豆瓣评分

IMDb: tt2222164

  2012意大利剧情短片《老虎男孩》由加布里尔·梅内提导演,Francesco Foti主演,影片讲述的是:
Matteo a nine years old kid builds a mask identical to the one of his hero a wrestler of a roman suburb called The Tiger Once the mask is on Matteo never wants to take it off What simply appears as a tantrum is in reality a call for help that nobody seems to hear
