


Frosch mit der Maske, Der

2018-08-18 更新    2019-01-29 创建

导演: Harald Reinl

主演: Joachim Fuchsberger / Elfie von Kalckreuth / Jochen Brockmann

类型: 惊悚 / 犯罪

地区: 丹麦 / 西德

语言: 德语

片长: Germany

上映时间: 1959-09-04

又名: Face of the Frog / Fellowship Of The Frog

豆瓣得分: 暂无豆瓣评分

IMDb: tt0052829

  1959丹麦惊悚犯罪片《戴面具的青蛙》由Harald Reinl导演,Joachim Fuchsberger主演,影片讲述的是:
The Frog with the Mask spreads fear and anxiety within the streets of London The creature is hidden under a wide clergymans robe its face covered up and only two enormously frightening gleaming eyes can be seen Together with members of his gang the Frog with the Mask hunts down innocent victims Scotland Yards Superintendent Elk...[显示全部] is full of activity as there are absolutely no traces on the crime scenes only the wrists of the murdered bear a visible trace the black Frog Gang mark But Then there is also Private Detective Richard Gordon together with his butler who are trailing down the Frog with the Mask as well
